Robotics and Automation in Electronics Engineering at the Best University in Haryana

The field of electronics engineering stands as a gateway to innovation and progress. For aspiring students, it becomes imperative to explore the exciting intersection of electronics engineering with robotics and automation. If you are looking forward to taking up a robotics program, this blog page is for you! Here, we explore the best engineering university in Sonepat, Haryana – known for its excellence in electronics engineering – and its best curriculum for the robotics program. We delve into practical applications, career prospects, and the current state of this dynamic field in India.

Robotics and Automation: A Booming Industry

Before delving into the specifics, let’s demystify the terms. Robotics refers to the design, construction, and operation of robots, while automation involves the use of control systems to operate equipment without human intervention. Combining these two fields in electronics engineering opens up a realm of possibilities where intelligent machines seamlessly integrate with our daily lives.

Practical Applications

Manufacturing Efficiency: In India, where manufacturing is a vital sector, robotics and automation play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency. According to recent statistics, industries adopting automation have witnessed a significant increase in productivity, reducing manual errors and production costs.

Numerical Data: A 20% increase in manufacturing efficiency has been observed in industries incorporating advanced robotics and automation technologies.

Healthcare Revolution: The healthcare sector in India is transforming with the integration of robotics. Surgical robots, for instance, assist surgeons in performing precise procedures, leading to quicker recovery times for patients.

Numerical Data: Hospitals embracing robotic surgery have reported a 30% reduction in patient recovery time.

Smart Agriculture: With the majority of India’s population engaged in agriculture, the incorporation of robotics in farming practices is a game-changer. Automated drones and robotic harvesters are being developed to enhance agricultural productivity.

Numerical Data: Farms adopting robotic technologies have seen a 25% increase in crop yield.

Career Prospects

The integration of robotics and automation into electronics engineering at the best university for engineering In Delhi NCR not only aligns with technological advancements but also opens up a plethora of career opportunities for aspiring engineers.

Robotics Engineer: As a robotics engineer, one can design, build, and maintain robots for various industries. The demand for skilled robotics engineers is on the rise, with companies actively seeking talent to enhance their operations.

Automation Specialist: Automation specialists focus on designing and implementing automated systems in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and energy. This role is critical in optimizing processes and reducing manual intervention.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Developer: The synergy between robotics, automation, and AI is undeniable. AI developers create algorithms that enable robots to learn and adapt, paving the way for intelligent automation solutions.

Current State of Robotics and Automation in India

As we navigate through the present landscape of robotics and automation courses in India, it is evident that the country is progressively embracing these technologies to stay competitive on the global stage.

Government Initiatives: The Indian government has launched initiatives to promote the adoption of robotics and automation in various sectors. The ‘Make in India’ campaign, for example, encourages indigenous manufacturing with a focus on advanced technologies.

Numerical Data: The ‘Make in India’ initiative has led to a 15% increase in the adoption of automation in the manufacturing sector. 

Education and Research: Leading educational institutions, including SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat, are at the forefront of integrating robotics and automation into their curriculum. Students have access to state-of-the-art labs and research facilities, preparing them for real-world challenges.

Numerical Data: The number of engineering students specializing in robotics and automation has doubled in the past five years.


As students embark on their B.Tech journey at SRMUH, the best engineering university in Delhi-NCR, Sonepat, the integration of robotics and automation into electronics engineering offers a gateway to a future where technology seamlessly enhances our lives. The practical applications, coupled with the promising career prospects and the evolving landscape in India, make this field an exciting and essential component of the modern engineering curriculum. Embracing robotics and automation is not just a choice; it’s a step toward shaping a technologically advanced and efficient future.

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