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Department of

Food Technology

Food Technology is a science branch that deals with the techniques involved in the production, processing, preservation, packaging, labeling, quality management, and distribution of food products. The Indian food industry is poised for huge growth increasing its contribution to the world food trade every year. It has emerged as the highest growth and profit section due to its immense potential in the food processing industry. Global giants are investing billions of dollars in India in this sector. The Department of Food Technology at SRM University Delhi-NCR offers an in-depth study of various areas related to Food Science and Technology to enable the students to understand food composition and its nutritional, microbiological, and sensory aspects. The students are taught techniques and processes that are used to transform raw materials into food which include safety, quality, plant sanitation of food, food laws and regulations, and packaging in the food industry.

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Programme Overviews

Programme Educational Objectives (PEO)

  • To produce graduates who possess theoretical and practical knowledge in various aspects of Food Technology.
  • To help students gain the fundamental concepts of food safety and quality management, national and international food laws and regulations as well as the importance of food engineering and packaging in the food industry.
  • To produce graduates know of advanced technologies adapted in various food industries.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

  • Students at the time of graduation will have developed a broader understanding of various aspects of the management of food in the Industry.
  • Students at the time of graduation will be familiar with the technologies of food processing and preservation of cereals, fruits, vegetables, oilseeds, spices, poultry, meat, dairy products, etc.

Programme Outcomes (PO)

  • The Programme will help students develop skills for better preservation techniques, processing, and value addition to agricultural products.
  • Through the learnings of the Programme, students will be able to participate in research and development for food products and processes and guarantee sanitation and safety of processed food items.


Food Technology Laboratory

Food Testing Lab

Personality Development

Value Education

Department Happenings

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